
Showing posts from 2021
"In phenomenological-hermeneutic terms, this may be referred to as the "existential reality".  Psychoanalyst Daniel Stern (2000) called the background feelings associated with how a person relates to his existential reality "vitality affects".  More generally, one may call it "felt sense", as the term indicates exactly what is meant; sensing something we feel in our guts as it were and precedes the cognitive reflection.  The felt sense, therefore, need not be something that one is rationally aware of."  - Sitvasi, J. (2021). The Felt Sense and how it can therapeutically be meditated in photographs.  Is the world - Inviting, Vibrant and Warm?  Through photography, music therapy, poetry-writing - to infuse the "felt sense" with new sensations in which in their turn can be reflected on and which can lead to more openness in an otherwise "framed" mind.  Does photography - an image or images - have the ability to impact and change

Singapore CBD - as at 24th March'21

This is where all the action seems to happen in this tiny nation so well-planned. Majestic and tall these buildings shading the populace from the scorching sun.  Are there more stories that are being hidden behind these beautiful structures.  As a group, they look beautiful regardless of the time of day.  individually, do they stand to capture the eye?  The tales told in and outside these walls may or may not capture the mind (or the heart), but walking through the lanes, we are bound to meet the history that helped build this tiny country. 

An Untold Story

Mariam remembers the smile mostly, those dark penetrating eyes too, and how they softened every-time he smiled at her.    Though there’s more that was left undone in those few cold days of January 1995.   There was a big, sporty motorcycle parked in the alleyway of the entrance to her aunt’s house at Ananda Palit Road, Calcutta, India. Her aunt’s son, Mariam’s eldest cousin brother, was getting married. Mariam is one of the younger cousins (16 years younger than the groom), and in the later years of her teens were thinking herself too “cool” to be a part of the traditional festivities that were happening around her. So, her brother, another cousin brother and Mariam decided, they were going to explore the alley around her aunt’s house.   They came outside to find a huge motorcycle, shining bright in the glimmering winter sun. It stood mighty and strong, and the first thought that ran through their minds was, we want to take it out on a spin. It must feel so powerful to race that bike a

Still Travelling

Found this beautiful poem written under a bridge while I was on one of my walks around Singapore.  So I took a picture that I thought would compliment the words.  And this is the result.  If anyone knows who is the author of this poem, could you please reach out to me?  The words are so deep, it touched a corner of my heart...hope it touches yours too.