Beauty of the World

The world today is lush with cementry
Flowers decorating the houses are yellow and orange
Squares and rectangles motivate the personality
Indeed the world is beautiful today.

Love is repaid with rejection and money
Friends are understood by their logic and bank account
Family is yet no more the backbone of the society
Even the system that surrounds us is beautiful and gray.

Food is plentiful, but not for the hungry
Education is varied, but not for the poor
Cars are choicest, but not for beggars
Homes are lavishly set, but not for the homeless.

Clothes are cut straight, not for the curves
Shoes are designed only for the feet
Variety of products on the shelves portray the economy
Restless and scanning are the minds of today.

To stand up in unity is a practice of the past
Each for its own is the rule of today
Glass windows might break, but the frames are inflammable
Amazing constitutions govern the people today.

Success is measured with the weight of gold
Pain and misery are received by the blinded eye
One's failure equates another's success
Beauty is admired by jealous eyes.

To believe in God is no longer modern
Trust only exists in the innocent
Payments are made for everything received
Indeed the world is lush with cementry today!

Dated: June 22, 2000


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